Churches can use the curriculum as a whole-church experience, both to train their people in how to read and engage the various parts of Scripture, and as an outreach to those who have yet to make a commitment to Christ. In a whole-church experience, the whole church meets to watch the video each week, but discussion is held in small-group breakout sessions before the video is shown. The advantage of this format is that the church only needs one set of the videos, and the whole church experiences the transformational power of the message together.

After the 9-week study, many churches read through the Bible chronologically over the next year, using tools like our free reading plans (see the Resources page), the Reader's Guide to the Bible, or the Reading God's Story chronological Bible (HCSB). The Reader's Guide has small group discussion questions at the end of each week that can be processed by Bible Study or Sunday School classes. If the pastor preaches a text each week, taken from the previous week's reading, the whole church also experiences a culminating worship service built around the section of Scripture read that week. So individuals are reading, discussing in small group, and experiencing a time of worship focused on a key text. This approach builds tremendous unity in the church and offers people an overview of the biblical story. For many the "dots" of that Story will connect for the first time.

For more information, see the resource page at

(Note that bulk orders of the Reader's Guide, Chronological Bible, and the curriculum member book can be had at